Home Events International cystic fibsoris day

International cystic fibsoris day

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The International Cystic Fibrosis Day is marked on 21st of November. The Bulgarian Cystic Fibrosis Patient Association is organizing a number of initiatives in Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna. On 21 November 2011 in Sofia from 10.00 h patients, their families and friends will be giving roses, the cystic fibrosis symbol in front of the Ministry of Health and at 14.00 h in front of the National Health Insurance Fund. A day earlier, on 20 November at 11.30 h “I am breathing” initiative will be organized at Grand Mall Varna. A campaign to raise funds for repairing of 2 rooms in the University Hospital “St.Marina”, in which patients with cystic fibrosis are treated, will be also launched. From 24 to 27 November a charity exhibition “For the dreams and hopes” will be held at the Mall Gallery in Plovdiv. The Cystic Fibrosis Patient Association invites you to support these initiatives, helping the dreams and hopes of people with cystic fibrosis come true. For more information, please visit the association website.

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