Home Featured posts A new series of interesting topics is starting at the Virtual Congress Venue of the Institute of Rare Diseases.

A new series of interesting topics is starting at the Virtual Congress Venue of the Institute of Rare Diseases.

by informer

On 14 November, 2020 at 10 am in hall Pleven, Dr. Radostina Simeonova will present a lecture about “Increasing immunity with natural and reshaped physical factors and the means of alternative medicine.” The webinar is intended for all interested medical professionals, representatives of the academy, health authorities and patient organizations. The discussion will be about methods on how to use natural climatic factors to increase non-specific immunity. Physical procedures to help patients at home. Aromatherapy and immunity. Electromagnetic effects, brain activity and emotions. Movement as a        therapeutic and prophylactic tool.

At this link you can register for the event for free.

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