On 27 March 2021 was held the 8th annual symposium “HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT – STRATEGIES FOR ACCELERATED ACCESS, organized by the Institute for Rare Diseases. For the first year, the event took place online in the digital platform Virtual Congress Venue, thus facilitating interactive discussions between participants from different countries such as the UK, Singapore, Slovakia, Romania, Czech republic, etc. Experts from Israel, Spain, France, Poland, Switzerland and Bulgaria shared their global, country-specific, academic and regulatory experience in international reference pricing, negotiation of discounts and rebates and managed entry agreements. The main topics of the discussions were health technology assessment, sustainable access to innovative therapies within limited budgets, as well as decision-making tools.
Information on topics and speakers at: https://vcv.raredis.org/en/event/health-technology-assessment-strategies-for-accelerated-access/