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Should we expect a centralized negotiation for access to orphan drugs in EU?

by informer

Exactly a year ago – on November 25, 2020 – the current Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe was adopted. The main objective of this document is to create a reliable and sustainable regulatory framework that will meet the expectations and needs of European patients on the one hand, and will promote innovation and modernization in the pharmaceutical sector on the other. A number of weaknesses identified during the current COVID-19 pandemic were also taken into consideration while finalizing the strategy.

The Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe is based on 4 main pillars, which provide for legislative measures as well as non-legislative actions:
– providing affordable medicines to patients and meeting unfulfilled medical needs;
– supporting the competitiveness, innovation and sustainability of the EU pharmaceutical industry and the development of high quality, safe and effective medicines;
– improving crisis preparedness and optimizing the mechanisms of response, ensuring diverse and secure supply chains and managing drug shortage;
– strengthening the EU’s role globally through encouragement of high quality, efficiency and safety standards.

What’s next?

Read the full article here.

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