Home Latest news European Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Federation

European Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Federation

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Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a degenerative and invariably fatal lung disease which affects women in their child bearing years. The disease significantly and progressively impairs respiratory function, leading to the formation of cysts in the lungs and subsequent destruction of healthy lung tissue. Difficult to pronounce and even more difficult to diagnose, LAM is often confused with other respiratory conditions, including asthma and bronchitis.
Following the first European LAM Research Conference in 2010, LAM patient and research groups within Europe aim to create a European LAM Patient Federation by December 2012. The newly formed federation will focus on supporting LAM research and will coordinate communication with existing LAM patient groups. If you are further interested in LAM or you want to join the Federation, please visit http://www.europelamfederation.org/.

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