Home Latest news 16th Annual ICORD Meeting in Buenos Aires: A Global Gathering for Rare Disease Research

16th Annual ICORD Meeting in Buenos Aires: A Global Gathering for Rare Disease Research

by informer

We are pleased to announce the 16th Annual ICORD Meeting, a premier event dedicated to advancing knowledge and collaboration in the field of rare diseases. The conference will take place on July 24-25, 2024, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the “Aula Magna”, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Esteemed professionals and experts in rare diseases from around the world will gather to engage in meaningful discourse and exchange valuable insights.

Hosted by ICORD, the International Collaboration for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs, and co-hosted by the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University of Buenos Aires and CERyDH, this meeting emphasizes the importance of implementing comprehensive health programs for rare diseases and developing orphan drugs tailored to Latin American realities. The event also highlights the necessity of prioritizing programs based on local health conditions and fostering collaboration among scientists and the health industry globally.

Program Highlights:

  • Day 1: Opening sessions will feature prominent speakers like Emilio Roldan, Pablo Evelson, Cynthia J. Tifft, and Daniel Salamone. Discussions will cover international collaborations in rare disease research, genomic approaches, and innovative therapies.
  • Day 2: Sessions will include presentations on rare disease research in Argentina, patient resilience stories, and plenary conferences on rare disease education and international collaboration.

Attendees will benefit from simultaneous Spanish/English translation services, poster sessions, and business lunches aimed at fostering research collaborations. Registration fees are set at 50 Euros, with various grants available for members of UBA, CONICeT, patients, journalists, speakers, and poster presenters.

For more information and to register, visit the official ICORD website (www.icord.es). Join us in Buenos Aires for this significant event to foster excellence and advancements in the understanding and treatment of rare diseases.


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