Home Latest news The Digital Atlas of Ancient Rare Diseases (DAARD) and its relevance for current research

The Digital Atlas of Ancient Rare Diseases (DAARD) and its relevance for current research

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The history of rare diseases is largely unknown. Research on this topic has focused on individual cases of prominent (historical) individuals and artistic (e.g., iconographic) representations. Medical collections include large numbers of specimens that exhibit signs of rare diseases, but most of them date to relatively recent periods. However, cases of rare diseases detected in mummies and skeletal remains derived from archaeological excavations have also been recorded. Nevertheless, this direct evidence from historical and archaeological contexts is mainly absent from academic discourse and generally not consulted in medical research on rare diseases.

This desideratum is addressed by the Digital Atlas of Ancient Rare Diseases (DAARD), which is an open access/open data database and web-based mapping tool that collects evidence of different rare diseases found in skeletons and mummies globally and throughout all historic and prehistoric time periods. This easily searchable database allows queries by diagnosis, the preservation level of human remains, research methodology, place of curation and publications.

As an open, collaborative repository for collecting, mapping and querying well-structured medical data on individuals from ancient times, the DAARD opens new avenues of research. Over time, the number of rare diseases will increase through the addition of new cases from varied backgrounds such as museum collections and archaeological excavations. Depending on the research question, phenotypic or genetic information can be retrieved, as well as information on the general occurrence of a rare disease in selected space-time intervals. Furthermore, for individuals diagnosed with a rare disease, this approach can help them to build identity and reveal an aspect of their condition they might not have been aware of. Thus, the DAARD contributes to the understanding of rare diseases from a long-term perspective and adds to the latest medical research. Read the full article here.

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