Home Latest news Book “Again” – helping the EB patients

Book “Again” – helping the EB patients

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We are pleased to introduce the book of poetry “Again” by Magdalena Abadzhieva of DEBRA Bulgaria. Here is what the author says about this initiative. “I’ve been writing poems for more than fifteen years. I have never published them. And I would not probably take this step if it was not my desire to help the people in Bulgaria, suffering from the severe condition of epidermolysis bullosa (EB). My sister, whom I love so much, is an EB patient herself. That’s why all proceeds from the book sale will be donated to EB patients. This is the most cherished and precious thing that I have. I hope it would help them a little, because so far the State does provide even a penny for EB patients’ treatment.” You can find more about the campaign and how to buy a copy of the book on DEBRA Bulgaria website.

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