Home Latest news World Blood Donor Day – Blood donors, all heroes!

World Blood Donor Day – Blood donors, all heroes!

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June 14th is the World Blood Donor day. Under this year’s motto of “Every blood donor is a hero”, the European Commission stresses the importance of safe blood supplies and encourages all European citizens to join the ranks of responsible voluntary donors. Commissioner Dalli said: “Blood is life. Each and every one of us may need blood to recover from a major surgery or a severe accident. For many Europeans, with chronic disease such as haemophilia or thalassaemia, blood is a constant necessity. Blood makes a difference. This is why today, I wish to pay tribute to all donors and to invite Europeans to show solidarity with those in need and donate blood. Become a donor, become a hero”. To read EC official press release, please click here. To find out where you can donate blood, please click here.

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