Home Latest news Public Consultation on the European Reference Networks

Public Consultation on the European Reference Networks

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euDG Health & Consumers has announced the outcomes of the public consultation on the criteria to be considered according to Article 12 of the EU Directive on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare. The Directive requires the European Commission to support Member States in the development of European Reference Networks composed of healthcare providers and Centres of Expertise. Article 12 calls for the adoption a list of criteria that the networks must fulfil. The  Commission is also required to develop and publish criteria for establishing and evaluating European Reference Networks. The consultation report presents the views of interested parties on the potential scope of European Reference Networks, and the criteria for healthcare providers wishing to join them. In particular, it evaluates experiences, regional or national models, technical and professional standards, criteria or recommendations which could facilitate the definition of technical and quality criteria (scope, general and disease specific elements). The full text of the report is available on the European Commission’s website.

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