Home Latest news What drives the patients to choose cross border healthcare

What drives the patients to choose cross border healthcare

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crossborderThe Executive Agency for Consumers, Health and Food (CHAFEA) of the European Commission performed a study into the impact of information on patients’ choice in the context of Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and the Council on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare.

The survey was undertaken in eight Member States and investigated what impacts the patients’ choice to seek cross-border healthcare in the EU.

The key drivers of travelling to another country for a medical treatment appeared to be in order of importance:

  1. Cost of the treatment in the other country relative to the cost of the treatment domestically.
  2. Waiting time of the treatment in the target country relative to the waiting time in the home country.
  3. Trust in the healthcare system in the target country compared to trust in the domestic healthcare system.

The majority of responders agreed that the information currently provided on cross-border healthcare is too complex for patients to understand and they need more details and explanations.

You can read the full report here.


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