Home Latest news Charity benefit for Williams syndrome patients

Charity benefit for Williams syndrome patients

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ballorgAssociation of Medical Students in Bulgaria together with National Alliance of People with Rare Diseases and under the auspices of prof. d-r Stoyan Tonev, chairman of Healthcare Commission at the 43rd Parliament are organizing charity benefit “Humanity unites us forever – day by day, hand in hand”.

The event will take place on 26 February 2015, at 19:00 at the Central Military Club Sofia. It is dedicated to the approaching Rare Disease Day and the patients suffering from Williams syndrome.

AMSB is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Medical students’ organisation has always worked for relieving patient problems and this year is is focusing on rare disease patients. They require society attention and special care because their conditions are life threatening, chronic and dеbilitating and usually very difficult to treat. For eighth consecutive year AMSB and NAPRD unite their efforts to attract society’s attention to this complicated issue.

For additional information: info@amsbulgaria.net – Eleonora Hristova, chairman of AMSB

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