Home Latest news Rare Disease Day program

Rare Disease Day program

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Patients, medical specialists, students and volunteers join their efforts in a series of events dedicated to Rare Disease Day – 28th February – to attract society’s attention to the current problems of the patients.

The slogan of the Day this year is “Day-by-day, hand-in-hand” and is focusing upon long-term activities concerning treatment, rehabilitation, social support and integration of  the patients. Good news for the occasion is that recently started work Rare Disease Commission to Ministry of Health which main goal is to regulate and organise the activities in this sphere of public healthcare system.

Future doctors from Association of Medical Students in Bulgaria who are marking 25 years from the establishment of their organisation dedicate their celebration to rare disease patients and are organising a charity ball for children with Williams’ syndrome. Press-conferences, awareness campaigns, seminars and charity show in 16 cities of Bulgaria – all of them attract attention to certain aspects of life with rare disease and emphasise the need for multidisciplinary care in expert centres and need for resource centres near the patients and their families.

You can find the complete program and more information here.

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