Home Latest news Rare Disease Day celebrated in Plovdiv

Rare Disease Day celebrated in Plovdiv

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RDDPlovdivInstitute for Rare Disease hosted an event dedicated to Rare Disease Day in Plovdiv. Patirnts, doctors and volunteers gathered on 28 February in MC Raredis to demonstrate their support in the struggle with these chronic and often disabling conditions. The medical center is providing treatment and rehabilitation both for common diseases and for rare diagnoses like cystic fibrosis, osteogenesis imperfect, hereditary angioedema, arthrogryposis, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, porphyria, Wilson’s, Gaucher’s and Niemann Pick diseases.

On a short ceremony Mrs. Yordanka Petkova – representative of National Alliance of People with Rare Disease presented awards to parens of sick children for their active involvement in raising awareness for patients’ problems.

The participants let loose in the sky the colourful balloons of their hope for better quality of life of the sufferers and their families.

You can browse some pictures of the event in the gallery.

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