Home Latest news Submission of proposals and request to the Commission on Rare Diseases

Submission of proposals and request to the Commission on Rare Diseases

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mz-1The Commission on Rare Diseases at the Ministry of Health adopted an official proposal form for inclusion of diseases into the Bulgaria’s List of Rare Diseases, as well as an official request form for designation of an expert centre for rare diseases.

The Commission on Rare Diseases was established by the Minister of Health in implementation of Ministerial Ordinance № 16 of July 30, 2014 on the terms and conditions for registration of rare diseases and designation of centres of expertise and reference networks for rare diseases. The Commission prepares opinions to the Minister of Health on proposals for inclusion in the List of Rare Diseases, as well as makes proposals to the Director of National Centre for Public Health for designation of centres of expertise and reference networks for rare diseases.

The submission of proposals for inclusion of diseases into the List of Rare Diseases and requests for designation of expert centre for rare diseases is ongoing and in accordance with the procedures under Ordinance № 16. The official forms in doc and pdf formats can be downloaded from here.

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