Home Latest news Paediatric Fabry disease

Paediatric Fabry disease

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Ocular signs of Fabry disease can be seen in the first decade of life. There have been examined the occurrence of ocular signs in 232 paediatric patients in the Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS) international registry and looked for relationships between the presence of eye findings and disease severity as measured by the FOS Mainz severity score index (FOS-MSSI). At least one ocular sign was found in 55/101 (54.5%) girls and 62/131 (47.3%) boys: cornea verticillata in 53/101 (52.5%) girls and 55/131 (42.0%) boys, vessel tortuosity in 17/98 (17.3%) girls and 32/131 (24.4%) boys, and posterior spoke-like lens opacities in 3/97 (3.1%) girls and 2/130 (1.5%) boys. The full-text article you can find here.

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