Home Featured posts Access to innovative anti-cancer medicines – the experience of the UK Cancer Drugs Fund

Access to innovative anti-cancer medicines – the experience of the UK Cancer Drugs Fund

by informer

Reimbursement of innovative anti-cancer medicines is of
particular interest for health policy makers and for the public in
general. On the one hand, this is due to the high unmet health needs
and inequalities. On the other, this is because of the considerable
costs and financial burden for patients, hospitals and payers. This
complex problem is addressed in a number of ways in different
countries. Special attention should be paid to the UK. One of the
main mechanisms for access to innovative anti-cancer medicines is
the Cancer Drugs Fund. The critical analysis of this experience could
be useful in improving and optimising assessment and appraisal of
innovative health technologies in Bulgaria.

The whole article you can read on the latest issue of our journal “Rare diseases and orphan drugs” here.

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