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Letter-support from CEE GN

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Dear Dr. Stefanov,

On behalf of the Central and Eastern European Genetic Network, I would like to express my enthusiastic support for the Information Centre for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs that you have established. This Centre provides extremely important information about rare diseases and particularly about genetic disorders, for patients, their families and any other persons interested in this subject. Since you provide information not only in Bulgarian but also in English, the activity of the Centre is very useful not only for local societies but also for international community.
I would like to congratulate you an excellent idea and very fruitful action, and wish you many further successes in your activity.


Prof. Grzegorz Wegrzyn
Central and Eastern European Genetic Network

1st February 2005



• A link to the The Central & Eastern European Genetic Network – click
(English, PDF format, size 337 Kb)


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