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Letter-support from BSC

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of the leadership of the Bulgarian Society of Cardiology

Re: Aim and activities of the established Information Centre for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs (ICRDOD)

Dear Mr. Stefanov.

The leadership of BSC got acquainted with aims and tasks of the established Centre as well as with the idea for a National Program about this problem.

The support from BSC is with a solid vote, assessing the benefit for patients and doctors.

We bring to your attention the names of cardiologists, on whom you could rely for consultative and expert support.
• Dr. Ivo Krasimirov Kalchev – cardiologist from the Clinic of Pediatric Cardiology at the National Cardiology Hospital, Sofia.
• Dr. Georgi Atanasov Hristov – cardiologist from the Clinic of Pediatric Cardiology at the National Cardiology Hospital, Sofia.
• Dr. Vera Jotova – cardiologist from the National Cardiology Hospital, Department of non-invasive functional diagnostics
• Dr. Valentin Krustev – cardiologist from the National Cardiology Hospital, Department of invasive functional diagnostics and interventional treatment
• Dr. Kratunkov – cardiologist from the “St. Ekaterina” hospital.

We hope that will collaborate actively within the common grounds of the National program for rare diseases.

We are proposing you to think about making an introduction to the cardiology society of Bulgaria of your activity in the frame of chosen by you and organized mutual meeting of BSC and ICRDOD.

Chairman of BSC: /signed and sealed/
Prof. J. Jorgova

Secretary of BSC: /signed and sealed/
Prof. Tz. Katova




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