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Letter-support from BSHG

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To Dr. Rumen Stefanov, PhD
Chairman of the Bulgarian Association for Promotion of Education and Science

Dear Dr. Stefanov,

The governing body of the Bulgarian Society of Human Genetics greets and supports your initiative for establishment of the Information Centre for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs in Bulgaria (ICRDOD). This centre should be especially useful for the genetists in our country, having in mind that a big part of hereditary and congenital diseases are rare and not enough studied. This will allow patients and doctors to have more opportunities for adequate information in one hand, and will let their duly forwarding for diagnostics, genetic counseling, therapy and rehabilitation. A real idea of the frequency and incidence of the diseases in the country will be also acquired.

We are ready to collaborate with the centre in this direction, as well as in organizing of jointly scientific events, scientific research and improvement of the health education by the use of all means.

Apart from my personal contribution as an expert, you could rely on the partnership of the following specialist from our society:
• Prof. Draga Toncheva, MD, PhD – Head of the department of medical genetics, University hospital “Maichin dom”, Sofia
• Prof. Ivo Kremensky, MD, PhD – Head of the department of molecular pathology, University hospital “Maichin dom”, Sofia
• Prof. Maria Simeonova, MD, PhD – Head of the sector of human genetics, Medical University of Pleven
• Prof. Margarita Stefanov, MD, PhD – Head of the laboratory of human genetics, Medical University of Plovdiv
• Prof. Ljudmila Angelova, MD, PhD – Head of the laboratory of human genetics, Medical University of Varna

On behalf of the medical genetists in Bulgaria, we wish you a tail-wind and beneficial activities together.

Chairman of the Bulgarian Society of Human Genetics


Prof. St. Lalchev, MD, PhD




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