The α0 -thalassemia 44.6 kb or Chiang Rai (–CR ) deletion has been reported in northern Thailand and is capable of causing hemoglobin (Hb) H disease and a lethal α-thalassemia genotype, Hb Bart’s hydrops fetalis, in this region. However, there are no current data regarding the frequency of –CR nationwide due to a lack of effective diagnostic assay. Therefore, this study aims to develop a reliable platform for simultaneous genotyping of –CR and two common α0 -thalassemias in Thailand (–SEA and –THAI) and investigate the frequency of –CR across Thailand. Multiplex gap-PCR assay and five renewable plasmid DNA controls for –CR, –SEA , –THAI , α2-globin (HBA2), and β-actin (ACTB) are newly developed and validated with reference methods. The developed assay shows 100% concordance with reference methods. The results were valid and reproducible throughout hundreds of reactions. This study successfully establishes a reliable molecular diagnostic platform for genotyping of –CR , –SEA , and –THAI in a single reaction. Additionally, it demonstrates the frequency of –CR in Thailand for the first time and provides knowledge basis for the planning of severe α-thalassemia prevention and control programs in Thailand, where thalassemia is endemic. Read the full article here.
Addison’s disease which is due to dysfunction of the adrenal gland, with abnormal secretion of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, is rare. By inducing inflammation and disorders of water and electrolyte metabolism, Addison’s disease may accelerate progression of co-existed cardiovascular diseases. Addison’s disease combined with cardiovascular disease is infrequent, only 10 cases in the literature. In this case a 51-year-old male patient with unstable angina pectoris and hypotension is reported. Changes on coronary angiography within 2 years suggest rapid progression of coronary artery disease in a patient with low cardiovascular risk. An additional clue of skin hyperpigmentation, fatigue and further examination confirm the diagnosis of Addison’s disease caused by adrenal tuberculosis. After hormone replacement treatment, the frequency and severity of the angina pectoris are alleviated significantly, as were hypotension, hyperpigmentation and fatigue. The combination of Addison’s disease and coronary artery disease in one patient is rare. Addison’s disease can induce inflammation and disorders of water and electrolyte metabolism, which may further accelerate the course of coronary artery disease. Meanwhile, the hypotension in Addison’s disease may affect the coronary blood flow, which may result in an increased susceptibility to unstable angina in the presence of coronary stenosis. Read the full article here.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is considered to be a rare cause of ischemic stroke (IS). A case of a newly diagnosed patient with acquired immune-mediated TTP (iTTP) is reported, in whom two IS events developed during 48 h. A 59-year-old diabetic male is presented to the hospital 24 h after symptoms onset, including left hemiparesis, dysarthria, and decreased consciousness. A brain CT scan is performed with the suspicion of acute IS, indicating infarct lesions in the right middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory. The patient is not eligible for thrombolytic therapy due to admission delay. Over the next 24 h, the patient’s neurological condition deteriorates, and the second brain CT scan shows new ischemic lesions. Initial laboratory evaluation indicates thrombocytopenia without evidence of anemia. However, in the following days, thrombocytopenia progresses, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA) develops and the diagnosis of iTTP is confirmed. The patient undergoes plasma exchange, pulse IV methylprednisolone and Rituximab is also added due to the refractory course of the disease. After a prolonged hospital course, he has considerable neurologic recovery and is discharged. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura should be considered in any patient presenting with IS and having thrombocytopenia or anemia without other symptoms of TTP. Read the full article here.
(Български) Европейски препоръки за прилагане на пълно геномно секвениране при диагностика на редки заболявания
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(Български) Наследствена сфероцитоза тип 4, установена чрез цялостно екзомно секвениране
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(Български) Съчетание на ювенилен идиопатичен артрит и конгенитална неутропения – представяне на клиничен случай
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(Български) Проф. д-р Мария Орбецова лектор на XIIІ Национална конференция за редки болести и лекарства сираци
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